Unity Game Development - Build a First Person Shooter (Udemy Free Coupons 100% Off)

Unity Game Development - Build a First Person Shooter

Master Unity by building your version of Doom or Call of Duty

What you'll learn

Create impressive First Person shooter games in Unity
Create efficient games by using pooling techniques to save memory and CPU
Implement path finding AI using Nav Mesh
Build game workflows: Main menu, resetting game, game over, victory screen
Gain a solid grasp of Unity and C#
Integrate external models and audio into their games
Have you ever wanted to create your own version of Doom, Call of Duty or Half-Life?

Join us in this new course and have lots of fun building a first-person shooter game with Unity!

This course is project-based and covers all the main elements of games of this genre. After completing this course, you will have all the tools needed to program amazing games. These are some of the important skills you'll be acquiring:

Implement and customize the Unity Standard Assets First Person Controller.
Kill enemies before running out of bullets.
Understand collision detection.
Save memory and CPU by implementing a reusable pool of objects.
Survive by finding health kits and ammo for you gun.
Enemy path finding AI using Nav Mesh.
Integrate external models and audio files.
Game workflow: Main menu, resetting game, game over and victory screens.

Enroll--> Unity Game Development - Build a First Person Shooter

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